The works in this section allude to love as a human drive, surpassing even the barrier of death. This is the case of Chagall himself, who lost his beloved Bella during World War II while they were living in the United States. The main characteristic are the couples in love walking around Paris and the works from which hope and the desire to enjoy life emerge.

Color is the protagonist here, with a predominance of vibrant and luminous colors, influenced by Fauvism, together with the elements of great symbolic richness of his poetic heritage, such as animals, flowers and musical instruments.

In many of his artworks there is an impressive representation of humanized animals with big eyes, alluding to the union between the human and the divine, such as the goat, which in the Hebraic tradition symbolizes protection and home, or the rooster, identifying it with the sun or with fire, and also as the animal that marks the border between night and day, between the world of dreams and the world of reality, where much of his work is developed. The lithography from the Daphnis and Chloé series is one of the best examples of this theme.